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Children's Ministries 


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Kids Kingdom- An opportunity for kids to learn and grow in faith during our 11am worship service, learning the same lesson that their parents and grandparents are learning about in the sermon. This is open for all children ages 4 years- 3rd grade; they will be dismissed after the children’s message and return to worship during the offering.


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Family Time with Jesus- This is an opportunity for families of young children to come together to support, encourage, and assist one another as they instruct their children in the faith. This time is design for families with toddler and preschool age children. Parents are provided materials and simple lessons to use with their own families to teach and reinforce faith development. It takes place between the services on Sunday mornings in the Church Basement.

Nursery- We offer a staffed nursery for families to use during the 11am worship service. Infants through toddlers are welcome to come in at any time during the service, but they are equally welcome to be in worship too. 

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