Jeremiah 6-8, Matthew 5:33-e
Has this house, which bears my Name, become a den of robbers to you? But I have been watching! declares the Lord. Jeremiah 7:11
Being a Christian is a community thing—all of us are connect in Jesus. At the same time it is n individual thing and each of us bears the responsibility of giving honor to God in our lives. What happens when the whole church drifts away from what God wants? That is the sin Jeremiah was called to confront. The trouble is that the community embraced their stance and liked to say Jeremiah was wrong.
We have a responsibility to one another to make sure that the first voice we listen is that of God. May your faith community be strong as you help one another to listen to the right voice. Reading the Bible is a great first step. Actually, the first step is to begin the day in repentance and the realization how easily we listen to other voices—not God’s.