We speak as those approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel. I Thessalonians 1:4
I often wonder why Paul speaks so much about suffering. I believe it is because he spent so much time in jail because of the Gospel and because he knew his hearers would face persecution as well. Perhaps we think too much about being comfortable and not enough of what God would have us do as those “entrusted with the gospel.” It is a powerful line to remind us of that which God has entrusted to us. He still wants “all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” (I Tim.2:5) And where does suffering fit in? It fits because we follow one who went to the cross for the sake of the gospel. But Jesus has always considered suffering something to embrace—if it means life for you. It is not about the suffering, but the ones for whom we suffer. Manage the gospel well today—who knows whose life God would change through you today.