The Pharisees and some of the teachers of the law who had come from Jerusalem gathered around Jesus and saw some of his disciples eating food with hands that were defiled, that is, unwashed. Mark 7:1-2
Jesus’ disciples didn’t wash their hands—that’s what the church leaders wanted to focus on? I have a sense that when it came to Jesus all they did was look for something to criticize. We are tempted to do the same – maybe not with Jesus but with people or situations around us. It is for us Christians to look for the good in a person, not the worst. You can find fault with me easily, but what good does that do. Consider the way we speak of Pres. Trump or Pres. elect Biden? And when people looked to find fault in Jesus they were unable to see the glory of God in what Jesus said and did. What’s more, your attitude will be a lot better if you look for the good of what God is doing rather than the bad that is all around you. Try it – you’ll like it!