You must purge the evil from among you. Deuteronomy 22:21 (also vv. 22 & 24)
It is a good thing to “purge the evil from among you.” We are told three times in this chapter that is what they needed to do. This phrase floods my mind on this the 19th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington D.C.. The terrorists believed they were working to “purge” evil as would have called us infidels. We have drones that drop bombs to “purge the evil from among” us. It is important for us to rid ourselves of anything that is ungodly, but simply killing those whom we think are evil is not the answer. Jesus provides another way. He took the evil upon himself. He died to take away our guilt and give us his righteousness. We do better to bring Jesus to deal with evil rather than guns or bombs. Bring Jesus with you when you confront evil.