After a little while, those standing near said to Peter, “Surely you are one of them, for you are a Galilean.”
He began to call down curses, and he swore to them, “I don’t know this man you’re talking about.” Mark 14:70-71
Peter panicked. He did so because he realized the promise he had made earlier to Jesus, to stand by him even to death – it had been a foolish promise. I think Peter looked at the situation and realized there was no way he could rescue Jesus. His vow had not been to die with Jesus. He thought he was big enough to actually save Jesus. And when he realized he could not, fear took over.
You and I have the privilege to begin this day knowing we are not in control whatsoever. I have no power to stop COVID-19, or whatever lousy thing this world would throw at me. So, why am I not afraid? Because Jesus, the one who sacrificed his life to save me, is in control. When we are afraid, he invites us to place our fears into his hands and trust that he will provide/protect. Can he be trusted? He chose to die for me, so I think so. Does he have power to provide for any situation? The tomb was empty on Easter morning, wasn’t it? Give your fears over to Jesus today. Experience his peace, for he truly is in control!