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  • jheimsoth

Don't be Scared

As they entered the tomb, they saw a young man dressed in a white robe sitting on the right side, and they were alarmed. Mark 16:5

Don’t Be Scared. These were the first words of the angel (young man) when the women entered the tomb where they had expected to find the body of Jesus. Why shouldn’t they be scared? Nothing was as they had expected. The stone was moved, the body was gone and they had no idea how either had happened. There was no need for fear because God was behind it all. It took awhile but their fears would subside. That would happen when they saw Jesus – alive. There is so much we do not understand. I pray that you see Jesus is working to make all things good. Even more, I pray you see Jesus today. When you see him with eyes of faith, the fear vanishes. Have a great day!

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