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God Loves You THIS Much

Psalms 87, 107, 125, Haggai, Matthew 26:36-56

My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will. Matthew 26:36

The Psalm readings for today speak of God’s love for his people and how he steps in to save them when they cry out for help. This passage from Matthew touches my heart, for it is in this prayer of Jesus that we see the depth of God’s love. Jesus knows what he must do (dying on the cross the next day), he does not want to endure that experience, and yet he places his life in the hands of the Father. I can only imagine the pain of the Father to ask Jesus to sacrifice his life and yet, for our sakes, he does. This is how much God loves you and me. We are blessed!

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