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Jesus, Write My Story

The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. Mark 12:9

Adam and Eve failed to trust God so they made the choice to eat the forbidden fruit — there were consequences. Jesus was rejected by those he was sent to save – there were consequences. The opposite of what we would expect happened when people chose to take Jesus’ life. God knows our foolishness. In the death of Jesus God saved us. The consequence was grace. Our story, our choices, will always tend to mess things up, but Jesus changes our story. He is the foundation upon which my life is built. He died so I might live. He pours out grace where I deserve punishment. Jesus, write my story for me. I would just mess it up. AMEN.

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Mar 24, 2021

Hi , My name is Donna Burton and i was going to pronounced when jesus said in the bible about RESTORATION ITS A SET UP because it happen to me and im telling you from experience after he restore you he going to FORSAKE YOU disown you reown you and he going to formed another person in your soul than put you in satan soul and especially if you just came to god with faith and you invite god into your life and you didnt know certain things to get you in that PATH and you explain to god that you didnt know certain things he going to DO IT ANYWAY ...........!!!!!!!!!

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