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Obedience for Our Own Good

Micah 5-7, II Kings 17:1-23, 1 John 4:7-e

Do not forget the covenant I have made with you, and do not worship other gods. Rather, worship the Lord your God; it is he who will deliver you from the hand of all your enemies.” II Kings 17:38-39

The people of the northern kingdom, Israel, never did get it. Even when they would worship God—they would also worship other gods. They lost their land because they forgot who had saved them in the first place. But this is not about an angry God; it is about our foolishness (yes, ours). We honor God by trusting Him to know what He is talking about. In that trust we obey Him. We honor/obey Him because He has saved us, loves us, and will protect us. But all too often we fail to remember that our future success lies in God’s hand so we do our own thing and ignore what He says. Are we any better than the people of so long ago? I pray we are. Listen to God today. Obey Him. Trust Him to bless you. Just because God forgives does not mean that ignoring what He says is a good choice.

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