Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. Deuteronomy 6:4-5
“Hear, O Israel,” is one of those phrases that means, “listen up – what comes next is important.” Here it is to love God with your whole being. There is nothing in our lives more important than we get our relationship with God right. So is your relationship with God your top priority? Is that reflected in your schedule, your conversations, and the things you think about throughout the day? One of the greatest lies Satan has ever told is, “God is boring.” If you find your faith life boring—God is not the problem. Stop holding him at arm’s length and open your life to all he has to offer.
When Frank and I were raising our children we did sandwich hugs. Frank and I would be the buns and the kids (we have a boy and a girl) would be the meat, cheese, lettuce, pickles or whatever they would name. We did this several times a week if not more often. I tell you this because we have been part of a Bible group for so long I can hardly remember a time when we did not take part in such a group. Being a part of such a group is like having a sandwich hug from God. When you have something to celebrate they are there, when you are mourning they are there, when you are hungry …