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Unintended Consequences

Psalm 137, Daniel 5-6, Matthew 25:1-30

His master replied, “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!” Matthew 25:23

A friend once wrote an essay on “unintended consequences,” that struck me. Everything we do has consequences. A Babylonian king makes fun of the God who had humbled his father – he dies that night. Jesus tells a story of servants who did/did not manage well the resources their master had entrusted to them. The two who invested wisely were rewarded; the one who hid what he had been entrusted with out of fear was condemned. I thank God for the grace he pours out on us in Jesus. Because of him God does not give me what I deserve, and yet I know that my actions still have consequences. I know that blessing flows when I honor him. Live wisely. Rejoice in the hope you have because of Jesus!

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